Kansas City Animation Studio
Unveiling the Invisible: Medical Animation from Trinity Animation
Medical communication faces a unique challenge: explaining complex processes to diverse audiences, often with limited time and budget. Traditional methods like static images and text struggle to engage viewers, hindering comprehension and retention. This is where medical animation steps in, offering a powerful tool for clear and impactful communication. At Trinity Animation, a Kansas City […]
Crafting Animated Backgrounds for FXX’s Archer | Trinity Animation
(As written by Jim Lammers for Animation Magazine, November 2011) ©2011 All rights reserved. Building a Multi-Dimensional Spy’s World Mixing traditional animation with 3D-generated backgrounds allows for cinematic directing in FX’s animated hit series Archer. Super spy Sterling Archer lives in a timeless netherworld that is part 1960s-style cold war and part pop art intermixed […]